
Aston Rowant Church of England Primary School

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Aston Rowant Church of England Primary School

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Sports Day

We have had such a super afternoon. The sun was shining during our Sports Day and all the children were AMAZING! Of course it goes without saying at Aston Rowant as our Sports Day is always superb but I think this year was the best. It was lovely to see the Year 6 children's leadership skills come out as they organised their mixed age teams. Every year I am so proud of the encouragement they show each other. I particularly enjoyed watching the water tunnel activity this year which was a new addition. Everybody had a wonderful time and took part in all of our activities. For those children who enjoy that competitive side to sports day we included the running raining races again and my goodness, the children ran fast. It was lovely to see so many of our new early years children take part in the races too.


Special thanks must go to Mrs Turton for organising our sports day again this year. Also big thanks go to Mr Midwinter, Mr Messenger and Mr Kibble, our PE teachers, for giving their time to help organise the children and activities.


We had a delicious BBQ again this year which was organised by our wonderful PTA. Our PTA work tirelessly to organise the refreshments at our sports day. This year we also had a second hand uniform sale; again organised by the PTA. 


We are so lucky to have such support which in turn makes our Sports Day so lovely for the children. Thank you to all our volunteers and everyone involved.

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