
Aston Rowant Church of England Primary School

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Aston Rowant Church of England Primary School

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Healthy body, healthy mind

We take mental well being extremely seriously at our school both for the children and adults alike. I thought I would share a little about what we do in school to ensure that everyone feels valued.



We have a supportive, nurturing and caring ethos. Our approach is respectful and kind, where each individual and their contributions are truly valued.


At our school we know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play.


At our school we:

  • Help children to understand their emotions and feelings better.

  • Help children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries.

  • Help children socially to form and maintain strong relationships.

  • Promote self-esteem and ensure children know that they count.

  • Encourage children to be confident and ‘dare to be different’.

  • Help children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks through a growth mind-set.


    We promote a mentally healthy environment through:

  • Promoting our core Christian values and encouraging a sense of belonging.

  • Promoting ‘pupil voice’ and opportunities to participate in decision-making through our strong school council.

  • Celebrating academic and non-academic achievements both in school and in hobbies outside of school during our Friday achievement assembly.

  • Providing opportunities to develop a sense of worth through taking responsibility for themselves and others.

  • Providing opportunities for reflection and spirituality.

  • Access to appropriate support that meets their needs


  • Teaching about Mental Health

    The skills, knowledge and understanding needed by our students to keep themselves mentally healthy and safe are included as part of our developmental PSHE curriculum.

    The specific content of lessons will be determined by the specific needs of the cohort we’re teaching but we also use the PSHE Association Guidance to ensure that we teach mental health and emotional wellbeing issues in a safe and sensitive manner.


    Targeted support

    We offer support through targeted approaches for individual pupils or groups of pupils which may include:


  • Circle time approaches or ‘circle of friends’ activities where can openly talk about making mistakes.

  • Promotion of quiet reflection area in our sensory garden and prayer spaces in each classroom.

  • Promotion of ‘run a mile’ in the morning.

  • Forest Friday activities so that children have the opportunity to learn outside the classroom and enjoy the awe and wonder in the world around them.

  • A buddy system where everyone has an older friend to look out for them.

  • Knowing our children well so that when they leave us for secondary school they do so knowing they have been loved and nurtured.

  • Targeted use of PSHCE resources.

  • Managing feelings resources e.g. ‘worry boxes’ and ‘worry eaters’

  • Managing emotions resources such as ‘the incredible 5 point scale' and '3 houses'. 

  • Primary Group Work/Mental health and wellbeing groups.

  • ELSA support groups.

  • Therapeutic activities including art, lego and relaxation and mindfulness techniques.

  • Ordinary magic in our day to day routines.


 All of our teachers have been trained in mental health awareness and we encourage an ethos of support, laughter and good work life balance. We always operate an open door policy so if you or anyone else you know is suffering in silence please come and talk to us. There are many charities and organisations that we can signpost you to in order to support you through difficulties.

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