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Wrap Around Care Provision and booking form

Here is our current before and after school provision

Day Wrap Around Breakfast Club

Wrap Around After School Club


Mrs Surman and Miss Williams

7.45am - the beginning of the school day

Breakfast will be served between 7.45am - 8.15am


Class Teachers

£6 per session 3.15pm - 4.30pm

(No extended session on a Monday)


Mrs Surman and Miss Williams

7.45am - the beginning of the school day

Breakfast will be served between 7.45am - 8.15am


Mrs Surman and Miss Williams

£6 per session 3.15pm - 4.30pm

£12 per session 3.15pm - 5.30pm


Mrs Surman and Miss Williams

7.45am - the beginning of the school day

Breakfast will be served between 7.45am - 8.15am


Mrs Surman and Miss Williams

£6 per session 3.15pm - 4.30pm

£12 per session 3.15pm - 5.30pm


Plus The JR Sports Group

Multi-Sports Club 3.15pm - 4.15pm to be booked directly with The JR Sports Group here: SCHOOLS & SCHOOL CLUBS | The JR Sports Group


Mrs Surman and Miss Williams

7.45am - the beginning of the school day

Breakfast will be served between 7.45am - 8.15am


Mrs Surman and Miss Williams

£6 per session 3.15pm - 4.30pm

£12 per session 3.15pm - 5.30pm


Plus Choir 3.15pm - 3.45pm (free) led by Mrs France and Mrs Atkins.  Email the school office to join please.


Mrs Surman and Ms Williams

7.45am - the beginning of the school day

Breakfast will be served between 7.45am - 8.15am, milk & ho


The JR Sports Group

Football Sports Club 3.15pm - 4.15pm to be booked directly with The JR Sports Group here: SCHOOLS & SCHOOL CLUBS | The JR Sports Group