VA Consultation
Voluntary Aided School
We are delighted to say that following our consultation Aston Rowant CofE School will become a Voluntary Aided school on 1st June 2024. Thank you for your support of this process. In essence you will see very little change as the school already operates as a VA school in many respects, but now as a VA school we will be aided (or supported) by the Local Authority, where as a Voluntary Controlled school we were controlled by the LA.
As previously outlined the changes mean:
- Admissions: The governing body is the admitting body not the LA.
- Staffing: The governing body employs the staff rather than the LA
- Governors: Foundation Governors are the majority or the board, where as a VC they were the minority
- RE programme: The governing body and the headteacher decide on the contents of the RE syllabus. We may adopt any syllabus or produce our own. Previously we had to use the LA Agreed Syllabus
- Repairs and capital development: For larger schemes we will have access to specific VA capital budgets allocated by the Diocese. If a grant is awarded it covers 90% of gross costs.