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Headteacher's Welcome

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to our school website.  At Aston Rowant C of E Primary School, our whole school community attach great importance to providing a warm, welcoming, friendly and supportive environment for all. We have a strong theologically rooted Christian vision and associated Christian values about how we 'Grow Together' which is central to our teaching and the ethos of the school.  Our relationship with the church supports and enhances pupils learning. It is a link that is widely acknowledged and valued by all members of the school community.

In our school, children are encouraged to aspire to become the best they can be, indeed Ofsted remarked that 'Every child at Aston Rowant is known and believed in.' We were delighted with the Ofsted Inspection report which praised the nurturing ethos of our school, our belief in the children we work with, our 'aspirational' curriculum, that our children achieve well with 'no limits' placed and that the way they behave and convey themselves is 'impressive'. We are delighted with the affirmation that we are 'a small school with big ideas'.

An individual and personalised curriculum is central to our teaching and learning philosophy and we are continually striving to improve and develop school practice further to provide a rich and high quality education for our pupils. Children are involved in the planning process within our school and through meaningful and rewarding learning opportunities children make progress along their own individual learning journey. Included in this is our drive for finding new and exciting opportunities to promote active and outdoor learning in our glorious surroundings.

We believe that each individual should aspire to the highest standards of behaviour and this is realised within a supportive and caring environment where children can develop their confidence and self-esteem.  We have planned opportunities for exploring different points of view and children build on these skills to contemplate and disagree well, treating everyone with dignity and respect. Pupils talk of forgiveness as a worthy way of living. Children cherish themselves and others in their relationships.

We recognise that children need opportunities to broaden their social skills, and are proud of the relationships that are built within school and wider. Our global links to schools in different parts of the world enable children to ask 'big questions' about the world around us. Our children are spontaneous and proactive in their charitable work and we have many opportunities for the children to take on leadership roles and participate in school decisions.

As Headteacher, I am proud of the atmosphere of care and concern for others that is evident in our school, together with a sense of fun and challenge, and I would welcome the opportunity to show you this in person.  If you enjoy exploring our website, why not come and visit us?  You can be assured of a warm welcome!

Best wishes

Mrs Helen France