We offer a range of after school and lunch time clubs to enrich our curriculum.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is available every day at school from 7.45 a.m. and is open to all children. We provide a selection of breakfast items for the attending children, and the children are able to play either outside in the playground or in the hall (weather dependent).
After School Club
We run our after school ‘Champions’ club on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday immediately as school finishes. The club finishes at 4.30 p.m. on a Monday and 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This is organised by some of our staff team and booking a place is required. Children do a variety of indoor and outdoor activities with our experienced teaching assistants or teachers. A snack is also provided. On Friday's, The JR Sports Group run a football club until 4:15 p.m and on a Wednesday they also provide a Multi-Sports club.
Morning Daily Mile
From 8.30 a.m. every morning, any children wishing to run or walk before school starts can meet one of the teachers on the MUGA. All children can take part.
We have our very own school choir, run by Mrs Atkins, a parent volunteer. Choir is weekly on Thursday's after school 3.15pm to 3.45pm and we also have the opportunity to perform at local events in the community and at our school Church Services.
Chess Club
Every Friday lunchtime 12.30pm to 1.00pm we have Mr & Mrs Turton run a busy chess club, where the children are given the opportunity to enhance their skills or challenge opponents. KS2 children are taught to play chess in class each week too.
Art Club
Mrs Olsen runs our art club on a Monday lunchtime. Different year groups take part each half term. Look below to see some of the wonderful artwork that has been produced.