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Safeguarding Information

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Helen France
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Alexi Olsen
  • Nominated Safeguarding Governor is Mr Tom Sowerby

If you have any concerns about the safeguarding of our children or would like further information, you can contact our Safeguarding Leads directly through our School Office 01844 351671

Please remember that you can also contact: 

Please follow the link to our e safety page to learn about safeguarding children whilst using the internet.

Useful Links and Publications for Parents of Children who experience bullying

  • Kidscape
    Provides helpful advice and information to prevent and tackle bullying.

  • Bully Free Zone
    One of the leading peer support projects in Britain. The project aims to raise awareness of alternative ways of resolving conflicts and reducing bullying.

  • Bullying UK
    Provides help and reliable information on a variety of bullying issues.