Recommended Reads
We have carefully selected 40 'must read' books that will hopefully capture your child’s imagination. This list contains a description of the book so that you and your child can choose your favourites. While your child is still learning to decode (link letters and sounds) these books should be read to your child, these are ‘read together’ books.
In relation to some of these books, they will be able to start to read some of the books listed below by themselves. However, sharing a book together is just as beneficial.
Certificates will be awarded as your child reads and shares books from this list; your child will need to record a brief response to a reading task in their reading record (such as a description of a character). A bronze certificate will be awarded once they have read 5 books from the list, a silver award will be awarded after 10, a gold award will be awarded once they have read 15 and a platinum award after 25.
2023 - Come dressed as your favourite word!