Our Creative Curriculum
- What Learning Looks Like in Aston Rowant Primary School.pdf
- Teaching and Learning Policy 2021-2024.pdf
Our bespoke, creative curriculum is broad and balanced and shaped by our Christian vision for our school. This ensures the development of the whole child both academically and personally and is tailored to meet all the needs of all the children we have in school. Children are involved in many aspects of planning and designing our curriculum to reflect our nurturing ethos whilst ensuring sound pupil progress across all subjects regardless of their individual starting points. Our children reflect on what has been learnt and are involved in planning their own 'next steps' so that our topics remain exciting and engaging in order for them to flourish as unique indiviuals.
Our curriculum demonstrates a clear understanding of spirituality which enables pupils to develop a curious mind through awe and wonder, what's in the news?, our forest activities and topical themes. We are confident to make the most of spontaneous opportunities such as snow day activities on the school field, an eclipse or major event in the news. Children look beyond themselves and answer 'big questions' about life and the world around them as a result.
At Aston Rowant Primary School we ensure that we comply to The Equalities Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014