Careers Programme
Aston Rowant Primary School recognises the important role that is played by primary schools in enabling children to have high aspirations about their future through independent and impartial careers advice. As a school we endeavour to provide children with a range of meaningful experiences, visits and visitors to that teach them about the world of work and provide information about future careers.
Alongside our: PSHE (personal, social, health education), growth mind set, and Achievement for All programme our effective careers support will help pupils:
- in the short term to become self-assured, confident and optimistic about their futures –becoming motivated and inspired to learn;
- develop the resilience to take calculated risks, dealing appropriately with disappointments, set-backs and challenges;
- to prepare young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life;
- to help them to make decisions and manage transitions as learners and workers.
Our aims are to:
- To aspire children to think of the future, increasing aspiration for all
- To develop and encourage a sense of ambition towards a future career
- To understand the basic skills and attitudes needed to be successful in the world of work and provide experiences of meaningful interaction with the world of work.
- To provide high quality information from a wide variety of sources –curriculum lessons, growth mind set/learning power sessions, Jigsaw PHSE lessons, specific career sessions and visitors from a variety of careers
- To challenge all forms of stereotype (by background, gender or diversity groups) and preconceptions.
- To develop self-evaluation skills and make plans for the future
- To increase knowledge of post 11 and post 16
- To understand employment-related vocabulary
We utilise the principles of the Gatsby Benchmarks. The objectives for the careers programme are as follows:
- helping students to understand the changing world of work
- facilitating meaningful encounters with employers for all students
- supporting positive transitions
- enabling students to develop the research skills to find out about opportunities
- helping students to develop the skills, attitudes, knowledge and qualities to make a successful transition into the world of work and next stage of education
- encouraging participation in continued learning, including further and higher education and apprenticeships
- supporting inclusion, challenging stereotyping and promoting equality of opportunity
- contributing to strategies for raising achievement, particularly by increasing motivation.
We teach to the objectives under the outcomes of:
- Developing yourself through careers, employability and enterprise education –Self-awareness, Self-determination, Self-improvement as a learner
- Learning about careers and the world of work – Exploring careers and career development, investigating work and working life, understanding business and industry, investigating jobs and labour market information, valuing equality, diversity and inclusion, learning about safe working practices and environments
- Developing your career management and employability skills – Making the most of careers information, advice and guidance, preparing for employability, showing initiative and enterprise, developing personal financial capability, identifying choices and opportunities, planning and deciding, handling applications and interviews, managing changes and transitions.