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Open Days 2024

We will be hosting a number of Open Days for our new starter intake in September 2025 and welcome all to come and visit.


1. Friday 18th October 09:30-10:30am

2. Wednesday 6th November 09:30-10:30am

Please kindly send an email to: to confirm your attendance.


Admission Arrangements

In Oxfordshire all children are now admitted to start school in September of the year in which they will become 5.

Aston Rowant C of E Primary School’s planned admission number is 15. The procedure for admission to schools is controlled by Oxfordshire County Council and parents will need to fill in the admission form in the January of the year before your child is due to start school. Details from Oxfordshire County Council can be found here.

You are very welcome to arrange a visit to us for a 1:1 bespoke meeting and tour of the school with Mrs France, Head Teacher, when you are making your choice. We hold open days during the Autumn term and details of these can be found at the top of this page.

All children in pre-school settings will be issued with the documentation from the County automatically.

Starting School – Foundation Stage

Before starting school, all new children and their families are encouraged to visit the school, meet with the Head Teacher and experience the EYFS classes in session.

In Term 6, prior to your child’s admission to school, parents and carers are invited to an information meeting about transition where you will be given full information to help prepare you and your child for starting school in September. You will have the opportunity to meet the Head Teacher and the Foundation Stage teacher again, enabling you to find out more about the EYFS curriculum and how you can support your child with his/her learning.

It also provides an additional opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have following your visit to the school when choosing the appropriate setting for your child.

All new EYFS children also have the opportunity to visit us in Term 6 (the end of the summer term)

Timeline for school admission

  • 12 months prior to September admission: Visit school for a tour and discussion with Head teacher/EYFS Leader
  • January prior to admission: Complete and submit admission form - see 'Starting School' LA booklet and LA website
  • May prior to admission: Local Authority informs parents/carers of school their child has been allocated
  • July: Transition meeting at school for child and parents
  • September: Start school

In Year Admissions

Children are of course welcome to join us at any stage in their primary school career. Parents would be asked to complete an ‘In-year’ transfer form and submit that to Oxfordshire County Council Admissions Team. Applications for entry to other year groups at the school (Reception year group to Year 6) to start during the academic year, can be made at any time. Applications for entry to other year groups each September can be made no earlier than the first day of the second-half of the Summer Term (June each year).

Experienced staff and friendly children help to ease the time of transfer from one school to another by working together to help welcome and settle new pupils in to our school.

Please ring the school to see if we have any available spaces in our year groups.

Once your child has started school, there will be further opportunities to discuss your child’s progress during our ‘Parent-Teacher’ evenings. Should additional meetings be required, an appointment can be made with the class teacher.

Please go to our policy section to see our detailed Admissions Policy.

The document outlining the admissions appeal process is available below for your information.

Transition to Secondary School

At the end of Year 6 all of our children move to secondary school. Most of our children accept a place at Lord Williams's Secondary School in Thame. As Aston Rowant is part of the Thame Partnership of schools, places are allocated for your child to transfer to Lord Williams's children even if you live out of catchment. Please see Lord Williams's School website for their admissions policy. Some of our children transfer to local Grammar schools in Marlow or Aylesbury. Some parents also choose to send their children to Icknield community college in Watlington. All of our local schools offer open days/evenings so that you can visit each school and make an informed choice about which secondary school is best for your child. You will receive an online application notice from Oxfordshire County Council reminding you to make your application in the Autumn Term. Places are then allocated in the Spring term.

Please speak to Mrs. France, Head Teacher, if you would like any further advice about your choice of school or if you would like to arrange a visit to Aston Rowant Primary School.